• Start: May 5, 2017 8:00 am
  • End: May 7, 2017 5:00 pm

5th May – 7th  May 2017

Friday 5 May  8pm
at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels, 136 Yarra St. Geelong. 

Festival Opening  Concert

From Harmony to Harmony

Windfire Choir and instrumental ensemble conducted by Rick Prakhoff.
Soloists Sally Wilson – soprano, Michael Petruccelli – tenor and
Tom Healey – Baritone.
Featuring Handel’s Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day and
Ralph Vaughan Williams Five Mystical Songs

Tickets $30 adult and seniors $25  concession
Children and school students – free admission
From www.trybooking.com/OMDP or at the door

At the Pioneer Room 150 Yarra St. Geelong (above St. Mary’s Parish Offices)
Tickets at the door –  $5 per workshop

Saturday 6 May 11am to 12 noon
Workshop 1:  Running with Zithers
With Angelika Smales  

Antique chord zither workshop will explore the history and styles of zithers and the unique notation system that was invented for them.  Participants can expect to be able to play the instrument at the end of the workshop! 

Saturday 6 May 1pm to 2pm

Workshop 2: 
Laudes Deo
An introduction to chant in the Christian Church

With John Weretka
A presentation on the rich history of chant in the Christian Church including the rarely heard chants in the Milanese/Ambrosian tradition.  Participants will have a chance to learn and participate in  singing chants

Tickets to Saturday and Sunday Concerts $25  each 

Children and school students – free admission


Saturday 6 May  2.30pm

at All Saints Church, 113 Noble St., Newtown

Sing Praises – Vocal Dimension

Directed by Malcolm Halford, Vocal Dimension is a choir of 20 singers from Wangaratta, who perform works form a wide range of musical periods and styles including sacred and liturgical, classical, folk, jazz and swing, Australiana and contemporary.

Tickets from www.trybooking.com/OMDS or at the door


Saturday 6 May  5pm

at St. Paul’s Church, 171-177 LaTrobe Terrace, Geelong

Thomas Heywood

International Organist

The internationally acclaimed organ virtuoso, Thomas Heywood, enjoys an outstanding reputation as one of the world’s finest concert organists.  Hear (and see) Thomas put the newly refurbished organ through its paces!  You will also be able to see Thomas play as the organ will be projected onto a screen.

Tickets from www.trybooking.com/OMEH or at the door


Sunday 7 May  9.30am

at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels,

136 Yarra St., Geelong

Sung Mass

Sung Mass, Psalms and Hymns.  St. Mary’s Basilica Choir , Conductor – Christopher Kelly,

Organist – Frank De Rosso

Admission – free


Sunday 7 May  2.30pm

at the Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels, 136 Yarra St., Geelong

Crux Fidelis – e21

e21, directed by Stephen Grant, is a joining of experienced ensemble singers with established soloists in a blend that allows for a maximum of diversity, from solo and duo repertoire through to small choral forces, from medieval through to contemporary repertoire.

Tickets from www.trybooking.com/OMEM or at the door


Sunday 7 May  5pm

at Wesley Church,  100 Yarra St.,  Geelong

Song of Songs – Ensemble 642 

Hannah Lane – Italian triple harp   Nicholas Pollock – theorbo

with guest artist Roberta Diamond – soprano

Erotic, ecstatic, complex, and beguiling in their profound beauty, the collection of poems from the Hebrew Bible known as the Song of Songs have inspired composers throughout the ages. The sensual plucked strings of Ensemble 642 are joined by soprano Roberta Diamond to explore the exquisite Italian baroque settings of these striking texts. Featuring music by composers such as Monteverdi, Grandi, Cima and Kapsberger and the Australian premiere performance of excerpts from the recently discovered ‘Di Carlo G.’ Manuscript.

Tickets from www.trybooking.com/PFTQ or at the door


Enquiries: Jeannette 5223 3554 Email:  music.basilica@bigpond.com
Facebook:  www.facebook.com/MuiscattheBasilica

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